Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 14 - "A Flourish of Strumpets"

“A Flourish of Strumpets”
by Richard Matheson
Button, Button: Uncanny Stories (2008)

* * * * (Great) Noir

Representatives from the Exchange, offering a unique and venerable service to the community, hound a happily married couple.

My favorite parts of this simple story are the brief descriptions of the different attractive women knocking on the Gussett’s door.
  • a black-root blonde, slit-skirted and sweatered to within an inch of her breathing life
  • a perky brunette with a blouse front slashed to forever
  • a raven-haired, limp-lidded vamp
  • a redhead sheathed in a green knit dress that hugged all that was voluminous and there was much of that
All these noir-ish descriptions of dangerous dames in drop-dead outfits. Couldn’t help but enjoy the writing. And how about this, a great use of the word, gelatinous:
His gaze rooted on the jutting opulence of Margie as she waggled along the aisle, then came to a gelatinous rest on a leather-topped bar stool.

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